
The reproductive system is comprised of the male reproductive system and the female reproductive system. The male reproductive system consists of the penis through which semen exits during ejaculation via the urethra. The testicles are responsible for making of the sex hormones and sperm. The epididymis collects the sperm and stores it, and the epididymis later extends to vas deferens which supply the urethra with sperm. Furthermore, the accessory glands which include the prostate gland, bulbourethral glands, and seminal vesicles, provide the sperm with a nourishing fluid.

On the other hand, the female reproductive system is comprised of the vagina which extends to the vulva for the reception of the sperm during intercourse. The uterus is responsible for the development of the fetus through the attachment on the uterine walls after fertilization whereas the fallopian tubes carry the ova from the ovaries and it is in these tubes that fertilization takes place. The ovaries contain the ova, and it is where the sex hormones are made. Furthermore, the reproductive system is controlled by some hormones that are released by major endocrine glands in the body. For instance, the testes gland releases testosterone hormone in male which maintains sex drive. On the other hand, the ovaries produce progesterone and estrogen hormones.

Conclusively, the endocrine system is responsible for the release of hormones that are key players in the control of the reproductive system. Some of the endocrine glands are specific to gender like the testes for male and ovaries for female. The reproductive system, in general, depends on different parts to function as a whole. Both the male and female reproductive systems are controlled by the hormones released from such glands as the testes and the ovaries.